
Advanced Email Extraction from JavaScript-Rendered Websites Using PHP

As modern websites increasingly use JavaScript to load dynamic content, traditional scraping techniques using PHP and cURL may fall short. This is especially true when extracting emails from JavaScript-heavy websites. In this blog, we’ll focus on scraping emails from websites that render content via JavaScript using PHP in combination with headless browser tools like Selenium.

In this guide, we will cover:

  • Why JavaScript rendering complicates email extraction
  • Using PHP and Selenium to scrape JavaScript-rendered content
  • Handling dynamic elements and AJAX requests
  • Example code to extract emails from such websites

Step 1: Understanding JavaScript Rendering Challenges

Many modern websites, particularly single-page applications (SPAs), load content dynamically through JavaScript after the initial page load. This means that when you use tools like PHP cURL to fetch a website’s HTML, you may only receive a skeleton page without the actual content—such as email addresses—because they are populated after JavaScript execution.

Here’s where headless browsers like Selenium come in. These tools render the entire webpage, including JavaScript, allowing us to scrape the dynamically loaded content.

Step 2: Setting Up PHP with Selenium for Email Scraping

To scrape JavaScript-rendered websites, you’ll need to use Selenium, a powerful browser automation tool that can be controlled via PHP. Selenium enables you to load and interact with JavaScript-rendered web pages, making it ideal for scraping emails from such websites.

Installing Selenium and WebDriver

First, install Selenium for PHP using Composer:

composer require php-webdriver/webdriver

Then, make sure you have the ChromeDriver or GeckoDriver (for Firefox) installed on your machine. You can download them from the following links:

Next, set up Selenium:

  1. Download the Selenium standalone server.
  2. Run the Selenium server using Java:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone.jar

Step 3: Writing PHP Code to Scrape JavaScript-Rendered Emails

Now that Selenium is set up, let’s dive into the PHP code to scrape emails from a JavaScript-heavy website.

Example: Extracting Emails from a JavaScript-Rendered Website

Here’s a basic PHP script that uses Selenium and ChromeDriver to scrape emails from a page rendered using JavaScript:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Facebook\WebDriver\Remote\RemoteWebDriver;
use Facebook\WebDriver\Remote\DesiredCapabilities;
use Facebook\WebDriver\WebDriverBy;

function scrapeEmailsFromJSRenderedSite($url) {
    // Connect to the Selenium server running on localhost
    $serverUrl = 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub';
    $driver = RemoteWebDriver::create($serverUrl, DesiredCapabilities::chrome());

    // Navigate to the target URL

    // Wait for the JavaScript content to load (adjust as needed for the site)

    // Get the page source (fully rendered)
    $pageSource = $driver->getPageSource();

    // Use regex to extract email addresses from the page source
    preg_match_all('/[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z]{2,4}/i', $pageSource, $matches);

    // Output the extracted emails
    if (!empty($matches[0])) {
        echo "Emails found on the website:\n";
        foreach (array_unique($matches[0]) as $email) {
            echo $email . "\n";
    } else {
        echo "No email found on the website.\n";

    // Close the browser session

// Example usage
$target_url = 'https://example.com';

Step 4: Handling Dynamic Elements and AJAX Requests

Many JavaScript-heavy websites use AJAX requests to load specific parts of the content. These requests can be triggered upon scrolling or clicking, making scraping more challenging.

Here’s how you can handle dynamic content:

  • Wait for Elements: Use Selenium’s built-in WebDriverWait or sleep() functions to give the page time to load fully before scraping.
  • Scroll Down: If content is loaded upon scrolling, you can simulate scrolling in the page to trigger the loading of more content.
  • Interact with Elements: If content is loaded via clicking a button or link, you can automate this action using Selenium.

Example: Clicking and Extracting Emails

use Facebook\WebDriver\WebDriverExpectedCondition;

// Navigate to the page

// Wait for the element to be clickable and click it
$element = $driver->wait()->until(

// Wait for the new content to load

// Extract emails from the new content
$pageSource = $driver->getPageSource();
preg_match_all('/[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z]{2,4}/i', $pageSource, $matches);

Step 5: Best Practices for Email Scraping

  1. Politeness: Slow down the rate of requests and avoid overloading the server. Use random delays between requests.
  2. Proxies: If you’re scraping many websites, use proxies to avoid being blocked.
  3. Legal Considerations: Always check a website’s terms of service before scraping and ensure compliance with data privacy laws like GDPR.


Scraping emails from JavaScript-rendered websites can be challenging, but with the right tools like Selenium, it’s certainly achievable. By integrating Selenium with PHP, you can extract emails from even the most dynamic web pages, opening up new possibilities for lead generation and data gathering.

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